White Sage: 9 Incredible Health Benefits

If you’re on the lookout for a herb that can benefit you physically, mentally, and spiritually, then white sage should be your go-to. Also known as salvia apiana, this evergreen shrub is native to North America and goes by several common names, such as sacred sage, bee sage, or California white sage. It has a long history of being used to treat various health and mental issues naturally.

In a pandemic era where people seek physical, mental, and spiritual support and crave mindfulness, calmness, and emotional well-being, as COVID-19 has sparked and amplified severe psychological and physical problems, white sage is a handy remedy to enhance and improve the quality of life. From dietary supplements and infused tea to burning it for its purifying smoke, one can be benefited in various ways. So here in this post, I will share nine benefits of white sage and the right way of using it.

For respiratory congestions

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Traditionally white sage is used to treat various kinds of respiratory problems. With oils having anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and expectorant properties, it effectively treats colds, coughs, sinusitis, bronchitis, and asthma by clearing phlegm, the thick substance produced in the airways during infection. Eucalyptol, or 1,8 cineole, is the key ingredient that reduces sinus infection. Congestions can be removed by inhaling the smoke by burning it or sipping tea made from dried white sage leaves. For preparing white sage tea, one tablespoon of dried leaves or two tablespoons of fresh leaves should be added to boiling water and left for next to 10 minutes, covered with a lid for infusion. Honey can be added to enhance its taste.

To remove negative energies

burning white sage
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Burning white sage leaves have been used traditionally to remove negative energies from space and objects. It also helps one eliminate negative thoughts and bad experiences of the past, affecting the present life. Its dried leaves are used in many rituals for removing negative energies and enhancing purification. Newly brought, unfamiliar or secondhand objects can be cleansed with white sage before use. Everyone, including pets, should be removed from the room before burning white sage leaves, and doors and windows should be kept open to remove negative energies. One should be allowed inside the room only after the smoke has cleared.

For healthy skin

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Rosaarinic acid and apigenin are the two primary antioxidants found in white sage and are very effective in fighting against free radicals and damage caused by UV rays, thus enhancing healthy and glowing skin. Its astringent property helps tighten the pores, thus helping control excess sebum secretion, which causes acne. Being rich in iron, it improves blood circulation, giving skin firmness, elasticity, and a natural glow. It can be used as anti-aging toner. For this, some dried leaves should be boiled with water on a low flame for about 15 minutes. It should then be cooled, strained, and stored in a spray bottle as a skin toner.

In aromatherapy

White sage essential oil and smudge sticks are becoming increasingly popular for their use in aromatherapy. They have the ability to promote relaxation and calmness, enhancing emotional well-being and providing a sense of inner balance and gratitude. By effectively clearing negative energy from each chakra, they can significantly reduce feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and stress. Thujone, a psychotropic substance found in white sage, helps to elevate mood, leading to a more positive outlook on life. Regular use of white sage essential oils or smudge sticks in aromatherapy can increase positive vibes and have a healing effect on blood pressure, memory, hormone fluctuations, and stress levels. So, take a moment after a busy day to unwind with the help of white sage essential oils or smudge sticks, and experience an enhanced mood and quality sleep.

For digestive disorders

For centuries, white sage has been relied upon by many cultures for its remarkable ability to treat digestive disorders and promote healthy digestion. Its powerful analgesic properties have been known to provide relief from stomach pain and cramps, while Native Americans have long used it in tea form to address issues like indigestion and diarrhea. With its natural ability to promote normal bowel movements, it is clear that white sage is a true gift from nature.

For treating wounds

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White sage’s antibiotic and anti-allergic effect make it an excellent wound treatment remedy. White sage tea at room temperature can be applied directly on wounds and blemishes to accelerate healing. A cold or warm compress can be prepared by soaking a piece of cotton in the tea, which can be applied to the wound. Its essential oil is also very effective in soothing burns, insect bites, and mouth ulcers.

Helps during menopause and periods

The phytoestrogens in white sage help manage estrogen imbalances and, thus, help during menopause, relieving anxiety, hot flashes, sweating, and mood fluctuations. It has a drying effect which helps in heavy bleeding during periods. Its analgesic property also helps in relieving menstrual pain and cramps. Its tea can be taken two to three times daily to relieve period pain.

For mental and spiritual well-being

The act of inhaling burned white sage can have a profound impact on our minds and souls. It provides us with clarity of thought and perception which, in turn, enhances our wisdom. This connection enables us to tap into a higher level of consciousness while remaining grounded in mother earth, providing us with intuitive and predictive abilities that foster balance and stability for navigating different dimensions. If you are looking to adopt a holistic lifestyle, white sage is a must-have tool.

Helps in insomnia

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If you are struggling to get a deep sleep every night, white sage helps you best. Using its incense sticks during sleep helps to elevate insomnia. It helps to calm down the nervous system and thought process. Following a night routine before bedtime greatly enhances the quality of sleep, and to know various ways to get quality sleep, visit this blog post.

Closing thoughts

Incorporating white sage into our daily routine can be a game-changer for our physical and mental health. This herb has a positive influence and energy that can enhance the quality of our life and bring good vibes. Let’s adopt this amazing plant and take a step towards a healthier and happier life.

Hope you find this post useful.

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DISCLAIMER – The tips provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice

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