6 steps to deal with teenage acne at home

As the child grows up and enters the adolescent phase, the hormonal spurt brings a lot of changes along with the most common undesirable and painful acne all over the face, harming the skin. The face, socially acknowledged and admired for its flawlessness and freshness, suddenly starts becoming rough. Teenage acne is quite discouraging and unacceptable for kids. Moreover, teenagers can’t follow a diet without oils and spices to control acne growth. Maintaining the skin clean throughout the day is also not viable, especially for teenage boys. So as a parent, here is a well-tested and tried five-step daily practice that can be accomplished without much struggle. By following these steps, one can drastically reduce or even cure acne.

NOTE- these steps should be followed daily.

Taking carrot juice

carrot juice
Image by jcomp on Freepik

Carrot juice is delicious and nutritious. It is loaded with vitamin A and C, which helps to fight acne. As carrot juice is highly alkaline, it will help neutralize the excess acid in the stomach and blood, which is the leading cause of teenage acne eruptions. The component carotenoid in carrots acts as an antioxidant, which scavenges free radicals on the skin and repairs and rejuvenates it. Giving your child 4 ounces or 120ml of juice when their stomach is empty or at breakfast daily will lower the severity of acne. One can even apply fresh carrot juice directly on the face for quicker results. Carrot juice is also very good for eye health and proper gut functioning.

Adding apple cider vinegar to a water bath

apple cider vinegar in a glas bottle

Adding one to two cups of apple cider vinegar to a child’s water bath will improve acne. Being anti-inflammatory in nature, it soothes the skin and prevents teenage acne. As it is slightly alkaline, it prevents bacterial growth on the skin, leading to acne. Apple cider vinegar is good for overall skin health and hair too!

Using tea tree essential oil and carrot seed carrier oil

teatree essential oil and carrotseed carrier oil
Image by master1305 on Freepik

Tea tree essential oil has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, making it excellent for use against acne. The essential oils cannot be used alone and should be mixed with carrier oil. For teenage acne, carrot seed oil is the best carrier oil. Mix two to three drops of tea tree essential oil in a teaspoon of carrot seed oil. Apply this all over your child’s face after the bath. This will act as an artificial barrier that prevents bacterial infection and skin irritation. This will also reduce acne inflammation and will improve skin texture as well. Various good tea tree essential oils and carrot seed carrier oils are available in the market and online.

Washing face with aloe vera gel

aloe vera gel
Image by jcomp on Freepik

Instead of using traditional face wash, use aloe vera gel to cleanse your child’s face after they return from school, the playground, etc. Aloe vera gel has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Apply this gel over the child’s face, leave it for a minute, and wash it with water by gently massaging and rubbing the face. It is very gentle and suitable for sensitive skin, contrary to a soapy face wash which contains harmful chemicals leading to face dryness, PH change, and ultimately aggravating teenage acne. Aloe vera gel moisturizes the skin, lightens the acne scars, and makes the skin soft and supple.

Using castor oil with clove essential oil at bedtime

castor oil on top of stones
Image by Freepik

The primary constituent of castor oil is ricinoleic acid, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, castor oil has a low comedogenic score, which means it has a meager chance of clogging pores. Two teaspoons of castor oil should be mixed with one drop of clove essential oil and applied over acne or all over the face as the child feels comfortable during bedtime. Clove essential oil is very effective for teenage acne, but it causes skin irritation, so it should be appropriately diluted and first tested before applying it on the face.

Applying Neem oil to the belly button

bottle of Neem oil for acne reduction
Image by Freepik

Neem oil is very well known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is very effective for treating acne and pimples. As it is very potent and pungent, teenagers may not like to apply it to their faces. So a better idea is to use three to six drops of Neem oil to your child’s belly button at bedtime. It prevents acne and pimples and cures blemishes by purifying blood and removing impurities.

Concluding thoughts

Acne problems among teenagers are temporary challenges. It’s crucial to avoid scratching or squeezing these pimples as they can lead to permanent marks. Overdoing it can also cause stress and low self-esteem. Teaching kids to handle this situation with a light and normal approach while following the tips above can lead to wonderful results.

I hope this post was helpful!

DISCLAIMER – The tips provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice.

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