7 Fail Proof Ways to Get Rid of Oily Dandruff

With changing lifestyles, oily dandruff has become common among teenagers and adults. Besides giving a greasy itchy sensation, oily dandruff can also cause severe hair damage. Oily dandruff is also known as Seborrheic dermatitis or Seborrhea—this type of dandruff results from the overgrowth of the yeast Malassezia over the scalp. Malassezia is a part of the scalp’s natural microbiome and usually resides on the skin. An overproduction of sebum or oil in the scalp, on which the yeast thrives, results in the yeast’s rapid growth and disturbs the skin’s natural renewal process. This leads to the excessive multiplication of skin cells on the scalp with flakes or oily dandruff production.

Oily dandruff is generally yellow in color and flaky in nature. It results in irritation, sometimes causing wounds on the scalp. At the same time, as there is no way to control the oil secretion, it becomes necessary to control dandruff as it badly damages the hair. So to get back the healthy, lustrous, bouncy hair, so here are seven fail proof ways to get rid of oily dandruff.

Amla powder pack

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Amla, or Indian gooseberry powder, is a natural conditioner for hair. Amla powder pack helps reduce the scalp’s oiliness by removing excess sebum present. Its antioxidant property prevents hair damage due to its high vitamin C content. Amla being antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, helps to reduce itchiness because of dandruff. Regularly using an Amla powder pack gives hair an extra shine and bounce. It naturally darkens the hair. Prepare a paste of one tablespoon of Amla powder with one teaspoon of lemon juice and water. Apply it all over the scalp and leave it for at least 20 minutes. Wash the hair with a mild shampoo. Following this remedy twice a week helps to get rid of oily dandruff.

Neem oil and neem powder

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The anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties of neem make it an excellent remedy for oily dandruff. Though neem is beneficial in many hair-related issues, it is especially helpful in oily dandruff as it improves the scalp’s microbiome, thus restricting yeast overproduction. Nimbidin, the active ingredient in neem oil, effectively treats scalp irritation. Applying neem oil on the scalp and leaving it overnight helps eliminate fungi causing oily dandruff.

One can find a marked difference after its first use only. A pack made with neem leaf powder and curd is an excellent remedy for oily dandruff. It should be applied all over the scalp and left for 15 to 20 minutes. This pack acts as a natural conditioner and controls the sebum secretion over the scalp.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera cosmetic cream on dark background
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Aloe Vera gel is an excellent home remedy for oily dandruff and oily scalp. Aloe Vera contains eight enzymes that help to reduce inflammation and excess oils over the scalp. It also contains hormones auxin and gibberellins that helps to reduce inflammation. In a study, aloe vera showed a proper inhibitory effect against Malassezia furfur isolates at high concentrations. Apply aloe Vera gel over the scalp gently and leave it for 20 minutes. Then wash the hair with a mild shampoo. Regular application of aloe Vera gel on the scalp also helps strengthen hair, and protect against UV damage.

Tea tree oil

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Tea tree oil, also known as Melaleuca oil, is prepared by steam distillation of the tea tree leaves that grow on the southern coast of Australia. Tea tree oil is known to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties, so it is ideal for fighting against oily dandruff. Tea tree oil soothes the itchiness, clears the greasiness, and thus helps in the proper blood circulation and nourishment of hair follicles, resulting in better hair health.

A publication in the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology stated that Tea tree oil with honey and cinnamic acid has antifungal activity against Malassezia yeast species, which can safely be used in shampoos to treat oily dandruff. So mix 10 to 15 drops of tea tree oil in one ounce of your shampoo to eliminate oily dandruff.

Apple cider vinegar

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Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting apple juice and contains acetic acid, which helps to lower the pH of the scalp that prevents fungal and bacterial growth. To treat oily dandruff, apple cider vinegar should be mixed in water in a ratio of 1:5. This mixture should be used to rinse hair and scalp after shampooing. Preferably clarifying shampoos should be used. It should be done twice a week. Apple cider vinegar is also rich in vitamins C and B, and helps to improve hair quality, making it lustrous and bouncy.

Eating habits and Diet supplements

It is surprising to know that oily dandruff conditions are linked with eating habits and preferences. Those having cravings for high-carb, sugary foods are more susceptible to getting oily dandruff. It has been proven that food high in simple carbohydrates leads to spikes in insulin level in the blood which makes androgen hormones more active that trigger the overproduction of sebum. So avoiding processed food, sugary beverages, and fats derived from animals, like meat and milk fat, can considerably help in dealing with oily dandruff.

Increasing the intake of fiber with sprouts and green vegetables and drinking plenty of water helps to reduce oiliness and itchiness over the scalp. Including food supplements high in vitamin B12, biotin, and zinc helps to improve the condition.

Lifestyle changes

A stressful, hectic life adversely affects our health resulting in a wide range of lifestyle diseases. It is a proven fact that excess stress can trigger the overproduction of oil over the entire body, leading to oily skin and scalp. Again stressful life increases cortisol levels which suppresses the immune system making conditions favorable for bacteria, viruses, and fungi to grow.

One should try to avoid stress by having a good sleep, through meditation, and by following healthy lifestyles. Regular exercise decreases hormonal imbalances, which is one of the major causes of oily dandruff. One should avoid or minimize the use of hair styling products as it hinders the healing process.

Final thoughts

Armed with these remedies, bidding farewell to oily dandruff is definitely within reach. Remember, overthinking this matter can actually make it worse, so let’s not go down that rabbit hole! It’s important to realize that oily dandruff isn’t a major crisis; our scalp produces oil naturally to keep those hair strands in good shape. So, let’s embrace a more laid-back approach to this issue and keep those worries at bay!


Should I apply oil if I have oily dandruff?

Regular oiling of the scalp with hair oils in oily dandruff should be avoided, but neem oil and tea tree essential oil with a carrier oil can be used if you are having oily dandruff.

I hope this information was helpful!

Which oil is best for oily dandruff?

Neem oil and tea tree essential oil with carrier oil are very effective in treating oily dandruff.

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DISCLAIMER – The tips provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice.

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