MCT oil in coffee; 6 great health benefits, side effects, and more

If you are a coffee lover and searching for a healthy twist, adding MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides oil) to your morning cup of coffee can be a good idea. With an enhanced creamy taste, this cup of coffee can make you reap some appreciable health benefits. It is specifically helpful for low-carb paleo or keto dieters as it gears up the weight loss journey ameliorating overall health.

As MCTs are quickly assimilated and converted into usable energy in our body, in combination with caffeine in coffee, which is a natural stimulant, this synergic beverage is perfect for channeling your stored fat energy into doing cognitive work, giving your day a good kickstart. So here are the facts you should look for before adding MCT oil in coffee in your daily breakfast.

What is MCT oil?

MCT oil in coconut oils
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Chemically, MCT oil, a saturated fat, is a fatty acid ester of glycerols that contain 6-12 carbons atoms. Short-chain triglycerides containing 1-6 carbons are mainly produced inside our body. In contrast, long-chain triglycerides(LCT) have 13 to 21 carbon and require an initial breaking step before being metabolized for energy or stored as body fat.

MCTs are metabolized through a different pathway. MCTS being small in size, go directly to the liver from the bloodstream, which gives instant energy as the liver breaks down fat molecules in MCTs into ketones. These ketones provide energy to the brain and muscles for various functions, which normally come from glucose in carbohydrate metabolism. So MCT oil works effectively in fasting or carbohydrate-restricted diet.

Coconut oil(54%), palm kernel oil(50% or more), and dairy products(about 25% in clarified butter or ghee) are naturally high in MCT. Pure MCT oil is 100% medium-chain triglycerides extracted from these oils through fractionation and lipase esterification.

How does MCT oil in coffee work?

adding MCT oil in coffee
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MCT oil in coffee works amazingly for all people on low-carb or keto diets. MCT oil, being actively metabolized in the body, produces ketones in the liver that, through an alternative mechanism, provide fast and endurable energy to the brain and muscles in our body.

Caffeine in coffee stimulates the hormone epinephrine in the nervous system and sends signals to metabolize fat cells in our bodies. Thus MCT oil in coffee has an augmented effect on the body’s fat-dissolving mechanism. The combo gives enhanced vitality and mental alertness. As MCT oil is temperature sensitive and gets oxidized at high temperatures,losing its nutritive value, make sure to add it over the coffee after brewing.

health benefits of MCT oil in coffee

A cup of coffee with this oil can benefit you, even if you are not on a keto or paleo diet. So here are some health benefits of this fabulous combo.

improved cognition

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A cup of coffee with MCT oil in the morning can help you channel your energy to stay mentally alert, do mental work efficiently, and remain calm and focused all day. A regular intake of MCT oil has been found to enhance brain energy by 8 to 9%. Its regular intake delays brain aging and helps restore and regenerate damaged brain cells.

Drinking coffee is associated with enhanced long-term and dimensional working memory. Some studies found that caffeine improves concentration span, motor interpretation, and mental function with a feeling of well-being in an older adult.

aids in weight loss

A cup of coffee with MCT oil added to it sends a signal to the brain to produce heat through a process called Thermogenesis. This way, the body burns calories dissipated as heat, thus promoting weight loss. Moreover, caffeine in coffee increases heart rate, further boosting metabolism and resulting in speedy weight loss. It also suppresses the appetite by giving the feeling of fullness.

reduces inflammation

According to research published in the journal Foods in 2019, MCT oil has an anti-inflammatory effect. It acts in two ways: elevating anti-inflammatory cytokines and down-regulating pro-inflammatory cytokines. Cytokines are cell mediators responsible for cells’ mass movement to sites of tissue injury and repair or inflammation.

On the other hand, coffee is rich in polyphenols, which reduce inflammation as they have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. So including MCT oil in coffee can improve overall health by reducing inflammation and pain.

improves digestion

Including MCT oil in your morning cup of coffee can boost your digestive system as MCT oil, being easily digested, helps restore and grow healthy gut bacteria, which toughens the gastrointestinal tract against harmful microorganisms and pathogens. Moreover, coffee is found to stimulate the production of digestive hormones gastrin and HCL in gastric juice, which is needed for splitting down the food in the stomach for proper digestion.

for better stamina

Through increased mitochondrial generation and metabolism, MCT oils promote physical performance and endurance by offering instant energy required during strenuous workouts. As MCT oil involves ketones rather than glucose for energy production, its use prevents lactate buildup as a bio-product of glucose metabolism which can hinder athlete’s performance during exercise. Caffeine in coffee signals the central nervous system to reduce fatigue and drowsiness, thus giving a feeling of freshness and zeal during running and cycling.

Prevents diabetes

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Sipping coffee with MCT oil regularly can help keep diabetes at bay. Free fatty acids produced from the hydrolysis of triglycerides in MCT oils have been found to amplify the secretions of insulin beta cells in response to glucose, thereby increasing insulin sensitivity. This potentially reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Some studies suggest that coffee can reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes as cafestol, the bioactive compound in coffee, has been shown to increase insulin secretion, lower glucose levels, and improve insulin sensitivity in mice.

Side effects of MCT oil in coffee

With so many amazing benefits of having coffee with MCT oil, some people may experience side effects of this combo either due to coffee which is a stimulant, or due to coconut or palm oil, to which many people are allergic.

Side effects due to coffee are pain in the stomach, nausea, or diarrhea. People allergic to coconut and palm oil may experience stomach discomfort, rashes, or other allergic reactions. So it is better to consult a doctor before starting to use MCT oil in your coffee if you have any of the above-mentioned symptoms.

Having more than two cups of MCT oil with coffee in a day can increase calorie consumption as MCTs have good calorie value. It can cause abdominal upset and weight gain in the long term.

Pregnant and lactating women should avoid it in general as its side effects are well studied.

Concluding thoughts

In this fast-paced and ever-evolving world, where we all strive for mental agility, a charming appearance, and a life filled with joy, incorporating MCT oil into our morning coffee can help us achieve all of these goals with ease and grace. It’s no wonder that this delightful beverage is becoming a staple in our daily routines!

Hope you find this post useful!

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DISCLAIMER – The tips provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice.

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