5 Home remedies to get Rapid migraine relief

Severe pulsating pain, generally on one side of the head, with a feeling of vomiting, is the most agonizing experience faced by persons with frequent migraine attacks. Migraine attacks are painful enough to disturb one’s daily routine, thus ruining whole-day planning. Migraine is very common, as one in seven persons is affected by this type of headache. Symptoms like nausea and sensitivity to loud sounds and bright light accompany it. Migraines can be triggered by stress, daily routine changes, hormonal changes, or certain medications.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for migraine to date, but the good news is that many treatments, including home remedies and natural ones, are available for this problem. These treatments reduce the severity and frequency of the attacks, making them manageable. Also, they help to get instant migrant relief very effectively, as to resume one’s routine. So here I will share five home remedies to get instant migraine relief. By following one or more of these remedies, one can get complete relief from migraine within hours!

Alternate nostril breathing or anulom vilom

anulom vilom; an instant migraine relief technique
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Doing anulom vilom or alternate nostril breathing during a migraine attack for 15 minutes, accompanied by half an hour’s rest, reduces or completely cures the problem. In migraine, the energy gets stuck on one side of the brain. Anulom vilom helps to clear the blockages in our energy channels, thus helping in the free flow of energy in our body, which results in the restoration of equilibrium. Moreover, regular 10 minutes of practice of alternate nostril breathing followed by 15 minutes of rest considerably reduces the migraine attacks and their severity. A study demonstrated a significant reduction in migraine frequency in patients treated with yoga over three months.

Eating raw ginger

Close up of fresh ginger root
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Ginger contains gingerols and shogaols, which are anti-inflammatory. It has traditionally been used as an effective treatment for migraine. Chewing raw ginger during a migraine attack reduces pain considerably and eases associated symptoms like vomiting. A diluted ginger essential oil can also be massaged on the forehead for instant migraine relief. Ginger helps to increase the serotonin level in the blood. Low serotonin levels are often associated with persons having migraines and depression. Several studies showed the effectiveness of ginger in migraine the same as painkillers.

Applying an ice pack on the head and hot water therapy for the foot

cold and hot
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During a migraine, there is an increase in blood flow around the brain. Applying an ice pack on the head leads to constriction of blood vessels, which causes a decrease in blood flow in the head area resulting in a lowering of the pain. Cold therapy also decreases the feeling of pain as there is a decreased flow of neurotransmitters. Putting a hot water bag on the foot or immersing the legs in a warm water bucket further helps instant migraine relief as it helps draw blood toward the lower area, thus helping relax blood vessels in the head.

Turning off blue lights and aromatherapy

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Bright lights, mainly blue light from mobile screens and laptops, increase migraine pain considerably. Switching off mobile phones and screens and resting for an hour in a dark room helps eliminate migraine pain. Aromatherapy with essential oils like peppermint oil, Rosemary oil, and lavender oil helps curb pain considerably. In one study, it was observed that using lavender essential oil as aromatherapy for three months reduced the severity of migraine incidents for the participants.

Pressure points

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Pressure points are the specific spots in our body where messaging or pressing them helps free the flow of vital energy in a specific body part. For example, in case of a migraine, massaging on the tip of the ring finger helps in relieving pain instantly. Other pressure points for migraine are at the grooves between the side of the forehead and the eye bone, at the top of the head, and at the back of the head between the neck and the skull. Massaging on these points for two to three minutes helps to get instant migraine relief.

Final thoughts

By following these remedies, you can quickly alleviate the symptoms of migraine. However, it’s essential to address the underlying factors that lead to this condition. Unhealthy lifestyle choices and excessive screen time, especially at night, are among the most common triggers for migraines. Imbalances between cerebral energy reserves and expenditure can also contribute to this issue. Therefore, adopting a holistic lifestyle that promotes balance between the body, mind, and soul can greatly improve your condition and provide you with inner harmony.


What home remedies stop migraines?

Practicing alternate nostril breathing, eating raw ginger, turning off blue light, and aromatherapy with essential oils like lavender Rosemary and peppermint are some of the home remedies used to stop migraine.

I hope this information was helpful!

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DISCLAIMER – The tips provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice.

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