How to lose belly fat overnight: 7 steps to see instant results

Losing belly fat is very challenging, and unlike the fats in other parts of the body, belly fat is considered an ‘active fat’ as it releases hormones that greatly influence our health. So this fat is tough to lose. Excess belly fat is more of a health concern as it signals severe health conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. With almost every second person desiring to lose belly fat for better health and personality, this has become an essential topic for fitness researchers to unearth its solution.

There are many tips and tricks available on the internet. In this blog, I will share an evening regime that worked for me. If you follow all these steps, you will notice changes in a single night! And following it for two to three days will surely give you great results! So, let’s see how you can lose weight overnight!

having an early dinner

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Our body’s metabolism starts with the day, increases, reaches a maximum at noon, and then goes down with the sun. In other words, our body metabolizes lunch more efficiently than dinner. So, having an early dinner is an intelligent way to metabolize maximum fats and carbohydrates from the meal. Many studies, including the one at Howard Medical School, have shown that having a meal at 5 PM is one of the best ways to lose weight. Giving a big gap between dinner and morning breakfast will enable the body to metabolize fat stores for energy. Avoid taking sugary foods on sweet dishes for the best results.

taking Castor oil after the meal

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Castor oil contains linoleic acid that breaks fatty acids into vitamins and minerals, thus showing an anti-obesity effect. Castor oil also has a laxative effect and helps to empty the stomach in the morning. It also prevents bloating caused by constipation, often confused with belly fat. One teaspoon of edible castor oil should be mixed in warm water and taken after dinner. It is to be noted that castor oil should not be taken regularly, and pregnant women should avoid it.

drinking plenty of water

Drinking warm water helps to boost reduced metabolism during the evening and night. It also flushes toxins out of the body, which further enhances belly fat burning. Water being a natural hunger suppressant, reduces food cravings at night. Without water, the body cannot metabolize fats, so plain water or lemon water should be taken often to keep belly fat melting away.

taking low-calorie fruits and probiotics at night

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Fruits like apples, berries, orange grapes, melons, and Kiwi fruit can be taken at night. These fruits can be taken with a probiotic. As probiotic helps to reduce belly fat, and probiotic bacteria feed on fiber, this combination works wonderfully during the night and helps to reduce belly fat.

Doing light exercise before bed

A 30-minute walk, or 10 minutes of light whole-body exercise, dramatically enhances the process of burning fat the entire night during sleep. Moreover, light exercise before bed helps to decrease stress levels built up during the day, which helps to have a night of better sleep, which is crucial for fat loss.

Turmeric cinnamon tea

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Turmeric cinnamon tea is excellent for reducing belly fat. With anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric helps regulate blood sugar and suppresses fat cell multiplication. Cinnamon, on the other hand, reduces food cravings and helps to control blood sugar. Drinking turmeric cinnamon tea at night helps to reduce body inflammation which in turn reduces water retention, thus, decreasing belly size.

using overnight belly fat wraps

belly fat wrap
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Available in markets, these waist wraps can also be prepared at home and work wonderfully on belly fat. To prepare it at home, you need one tablespoon of ginger powder, three tablespoons of body lotion, plastic wrap, and a cotton waist wrap. Mix the ginger powder and body lotion into a smooth paste. Now dab the belly area with a hot water towel with a maximum temperature you can tolerate. Apply the paste all over the belly, and wrap it with plastic in many layers. Cover it with cotton wrap and leave it overnight.

getting quality sleep

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Several studies prove that quality sleep at night is essential for belly fat loss. Disturbed or poor quality of sleep results in increased hunger pangs, lower satiety, and low energy levels. To get a night of sound sleep, one should practice alternate nostril breathing or anulom-vilom for 10 minutes and humming or bhramari for another 10 minutes before sleeping.

Finally, Let’s wrap up our discussion on weight loss!

It’s important to note that losing weight overnight is typically due to water loss, rather than a decrease in body fat. However, this water loss is temporary and our bodies tend to regain it, resulting in weight gain. For long-term weight loss and a healthier body shape, a lifestyle change that includes healthy eating habits and regular exercise is essential. Although it may not be easy, adopting a strict exercise and diet regime can lead to permanent weight loss and a happier, healthier you. While quick fixes may be helpful for a special occasion, true and lasting change requires dedication and effort.

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DISCLAIMER – The tips provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice.

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