5 ways to remain energetic in the 60s

As we approach the later stages of life, it’s not uncommon to experience a certain level of physical and mental exhaustion, which can contribute to the aging process. Although medical science can certainly contribute to a healthy life in old age, maintaining a youthful appearance and spirit requires more of an artistic approach than a purely scientific one. It’s important to make positive lifestyle changes and prioritize self-care in order to slow down the aging process and maintain a sense of vitality well into our 60s.

Getting adequate vitamin D

sunset illustration
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With age, there is nearly a 50% decrease in vitamin D production in our bodies. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin responsible for the intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus in our Body. So this vitamin is directly responsible for bone mineral density or bone health. This vitamin is synthesized in our skin only in the presence of sunlight. So vitamin D is also called the ‘sun shine’ vitamin. We must get enough sunshine to make bones healthy and strong. 10 to 30 minutes of midday sun exposure for four to five days a week is recommended for this. The lower level of vitamin D in the Body leads to muscle and bone pain, fatigue, and weakness. It also leads to dry hair and skin. So to look young and remain energetic, you need this vitamin. Vitamin D supplements can also be taken if, for any reason, one is not having assessability to sunshine. There are various good brands of vitamin D supplements available in the market.

Increasing melatonin secretion

man sleeping peacefully
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Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain during the night. It is secreted late at night or early morning. Its secretion is strongly associated with the Body’s repair and rejuvenation process. It is a potent antioxidant known as the” Elixer of Youth”. With age, its secretion goes on decreasing. There are many ways to increase melatonin secretion; some of the effective methods are;

  1. Sunlight exposure during the daytime.
  2. Getting the lights dimmed up three hours before sleep.
  3. Reducing screen time at night.
  4. Practicing deep breathing for 15 minutes before sleep.
  5. Drinking Chamomile tea before bedtime. It has got the highest level of melatonin. There are many good quality chamomile teas available in the market.

Engaging in lively conversations

people talking together
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Routine exercise and activities can assure physical fitness and a healthy physique. But being young and youthful is having a fit body and a healthy mind. So how can we train our minds? Researchers have found that speaking is one of the best mental exercises. It is the highest cognitive function. Studies have shown that seniors and elderly who communicate well with others have reduced memory loss, fewer depression symptoms, less anxiety, and higher longevity. So it is better to drop your ego and go out to make friends, speak to family members and neighbors and engage in conversations and healthy dialogues.

Get more laughter

old couple laughing
Image by Lifestylememory on Freepik

Technically laughter is an enjoyable physical and emotional reaction that involves rhythmical contraction of the diaphragm and lungs. But actually, it is much more than this. Laughter alleviates dementia and depression naturally. With age, forgetfulness or dementia is very common, followed by depression. Moreover, laughter increases the production of endorphin hormones which have anesthesia or pain-reducing effects on our bodies. It also reduces cortisol or stress hormones, thus boosting the Body’s immune system. When we laugh, our brain perceives it as moderate physical exercise. Therefore laughter has the same effect as doing moderate exercise. So there is an increase in blood oxygenation and a decrease in blood pressure and cholesterol. So the more you laugh, the more you remain youthful. For this, you can also join laughter clubs.

Switch to low-sugar foods

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In studies, it has been found that high sugar intake can accelerate the aging process. Sugar damages our skin’s collagen and elastin production, leading to wrinkles. High glucose levels damage blood vessels and arteries, leading to poor heart health and kidney and nerve damage. In the mid-50s or early 60s, there is a sharp decrease in the Body’s metabolism. The Body finds it challenging to metabolize sugar, thus leading to overweight and obesity. So if you want to look young in your 60s, it might be time to say goodbye to that sugar!

final thoughts

Following above mentioned ways and embracing a natural lifestyle that involves connecting with nature can provide an incredible surge of energy that flows from the natural world. This energy is a part of our very being, like a battery charged by the main circuit of our home. This way, we can experience amazing results and enjoy a youthful vitality that lasts throughout our lives.

So here you have it. Five ways to remain youthful in your 60s

I hope that this post was helpful!

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DISCLAIMER – The tips provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice.

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