5 ways to lose weight after childbirth

Being a mother is an awe-inspiring experience for women, but it also entails taking care of their newborn. Even though they may feel physically fragile, a new mother’s primary focus is on her baby. It can be arduous to find a way to exercise and shed the extra pounds while also spending quality time with your little one. Nevertheless, there are methods to accomplish this while relishing the company of your precious baby. So five ways to lose weight after childbirth are;

1. Breastfeeding the baby

It has been observed that most of the weight gain in pregnancy can be shed by mothers breastfeeding their babies. By sticking to 2500 calorie intake and moderate exercise, like walking, one can achieve this in 6 to 10 months. Breastfeeding is beneficial both to mothers as well as to babies. Apart from weight loss, breastfeeding mothers are less likely to have breast cancer, diabetes, and high BP. On the other hand, it is the best milk for your newborn baby as it is full of nutrients that give immunity and prevents her from getting obese, as it is easily digestible. Oxytocin hormone released during breastfeeding, also known as the” love hormone ”has an anti-stress effect. It reduces the cortisol or stress hormone level in the mother’s body, which further aids in weight reduction.

2. Eating more fruits and veggies and less cereal.

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Processed or refined carbohydrates, as present in bread, are simple in nature. They are easily converted to sugar, an important energy source for our bodies. There is a spike in sugar levels in the blood after their consumption, and it gets stored up as fat cells in our body if not used instantly. In contrast, carbohydrates found in fruits, vegetables, and whole, unprocessed food are complex in nature. These are high in fiber and get digested slowly, thus leaving the stomach full for longer. There is a slow release of sugar in the blood. Therefore, new moms who want to lose weight passively should eat a lot of complex carbohydrates and less simple refined ones. One tricky way of doing this is to reverse the ratio of the simple and complex carbs in a meal, keeping the total quantity of food constant, for example, taking 75% veggies and 25% bread on your plate rather than 75% bread and 25% veggies. It works wonderfully to lose weight after childbirth.

3. Playing with your baby.

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It generally happens with most new mom that they find their baby responsible for their weight gain and so tends to find its solution somewhere else, away from their baby. But the fact is the solution also resides in their most precious babies. Start playing, running, jumping, and dancing with your baby. This will not only alleviate the need for a babysitter but also go a long way in building a solid bond between you and your child. Gradually, you will find yourself getting better in shape, in energy level, and addicted to playing and becoming active.

4. Practicing yoga

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During pregnancy, muscles and ligaments get stressed up well beyond their normal state, and after the child’s birth become weak and infirm. Toning of these muscles becomes essential for new moms to get back to their everyday routine work. It can be best achieved by practicing yoga. Postpartum yoga can be done right after childbirth with proper consultation. Sun salutation or Surya Namaskar can only be done after one month of delivery. It is one of the best ways to tone back your muscles and lose and lose extra weight. Forward bending prone position Yoga should be avoided for at least three months of delivery or done with proper guidance.

5. Drinking plain water

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It is common to feel weak after delivery due to losing lots of fluid. The body signals increased thirst, interpreted as hunger pangs by the brain. Moreover, a space is created in the abdomen after childbirth. All these lead to increased food cravings and binge eating. Increased calorie consumption over a prolonged period leads to weight gain. So the Smart way to deal with these hunger pangs is to take plain water instead of food. Increased water intake leads to satiety and helps overcome hunger pangs between meals. High water intake also helps in flushing out toxins and increases metabolism.

Hope you find this post useful!

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