5 benefits of Sungazing

“Have you ever thought that what we eat is just a way of getting the Sun’s energy?” These are the wise words of Hira Raten Manek, who studied Sun gazing deeply and shared its concept in the Western world. Sun gazing is a powerful practice of looking carefully at the Sun during sunrise or sunset. It’s been followed by various cultures worldwide for ages, and it’s truly amazing, with lots of great effects. We’re all linked, in some way, to the Sun’s energy. The Sun is like a vital part of us, and if we disconnect from it and nature, we might face issues like anxiety, hormone imbalances, heart problems, and more. Sunlight is like pure and natural food for our bodies. It’s like a medicine that comes from a natural way of living. Even though we can’t get as much energy from the Sun as plants do, trying Sun gazing can still bring us lots of good things. There are so many benefits of Sungazing. So, let’s start by looking at five major Sungazing benefits:

Improves Eye Health

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During Sun gazing, Sun rays directly enter the eyes, thus filling them with pure positive energy. This strengthens eye muscles, nerves, veins, and eyesight. It reduces your spectacle’s power, double vision, and color vision. In experiments, it has been observed that spectacle power ranges from -2.5 to +2.5 gets away in 7 to 14 days of practice of Sungazing. Sun gazing should be done in U.V index up to 2, for 1 to 2 mins at the beginning, then eyes should be closed, and the image of the Sun should be seen within till it vanishes. This process can be repeated 2 to 3 times.

Cures Mental and psychological problems

brain above hand
Image by jcomp on Freepik

Sun gazing has many benefits, including activating the pineal gland to regulate melatonin secretion, which helps with sleep disorders. It also stimulates the secretion of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins (the “happy hormones”) to improve mood and alleviate depression. With daily practice for up to three months, sun gazing can help eliminate tension, migraines, headaches, and other mental problems. It can also prevent age-related brain shrinkage and cure seasonal affective disorder, irritability, and loss of memory power in children and teenagers due to excessive screen time. Sun gazing creates a sense of contentment and calmness by connecting one’s energy with universal energy. Other natural practices, such as Friluftsliv, have a similar positive impact on well-being.

An alternative source of energy

image of an energetic man
Image by halayalex on Freepik

While Sun gazing, our eyes receive the light of all wavelengths coming from the Sun. This energy is assimilated by every cell of our body. Thus, cells get energy directly, which is absorbed through the food-respiration pathway. This decreases food cravings, and one feels no or little hunger pangs while practicing Sungazing. Many ancient Saints thrived on Sunlight through Sungazing. This practice was popularised by Hira Raten Manek and is known as the HRM method, which involves Sungazing within one hour of sunrise or sunset, barefoot standing on soil and not on grass.

Boast body immunity

immune shield
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There is a direct relationship between low immunity and Sunlight. People with inadequate sunlight exposure have low serotonin and Vit D production, which results in poor immunity. A lack of Sunlight is a lack of immunity. With Sungazing, a flood of Sunlight enters our body, which helps strengthen the immune system. Sungazing practices have been used to cure arthritis, heart diseases, and even cancers. With Sungazing, hunger goes down, which aids in weight loss. It helps normalize Basal Metabolic Rate, which builds up body immunity. Sungazing practices for six months help eliminate almost all physical problems.

Mental strength and spiritual development

Silhouette of a female with chakra in yoga pose against starry night sky
Image by kjpargeter on Freepik

Sungazing benefits the seven chakras of our body by balancing them. It improves the fire element, which boasts confidence, fearlessness, awareness, and alertness. One starts enjoying mental peace as the root of every illness, the stress, goes away with Sungazing. In studies, it has been found that any addiction goes away with Sungazing. The pituitary gland, also known as the ”master gland” of the endocrine system, is located at the base of the brain; it starts shrinking with age and was found to be three times the average size in Hira Raten Manek. On continuous Sungazing for nine months, one can feel a spiritual evolution within the self.

Final thoughts

As we become more aware of the significance of nature and the universe in our lives, many people are turning to natural lifestyles and holistic lifestyles. Sun gazing is a practice that can help us easily connect with nature and reap numerous health benefits. Through this practice, we can also recognize that we are just a small part of the vast cosmic energy that governs the universe.

I hope this information was helpful!

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Featured image by Aditya Thakur on Pexels

DISCLAIMER – The tips provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice.

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