Fisetin: The Anti-aging Flavonoid – 7 Remarkable Health Benefits and More

Defying aging and lengthening healthspan is one of the most significant challenges in today’s life. The aging or senescent cells, which have lost their ability to divide but are still alive and active, create inflammation in healthy cells nearby, causing many age-related diseases. Having a natural compound that can selectively cleanse these ‘zombie cells’ in our body sounds impossible. Amazingly fisetin, a natural flavonoid, has this unique property.

The best part about this flavanoid is it is found in common fruits like strawberries, and apples and vegetables like onions and cucumbers. This flavonoid, a natural pigment, gives a yellowish tinge to fruits and vegetables. It has been known for 200 years but came to the limelight recently due to its potential anti-aging and anti-inflammatory abilities. So here are the seven potent health benefits of fisetin that everyone should know.

A powerful senolytic

Apoptosis is a natural mechanism of breaking and removing healthy cell contents if they are not needed or are abnormal. At the same time, autophagy is a normal process of self-destruction when a cell dies. The real problem with aging or senescent cells is that though they have lost the capacity to divide and function properly, they are not removed by autophagy as they are alive. These cells disrupt the normal functioning of healthy cells nearby, causing inflammation and damage.

A senolytic is a class of compounds that selectively induce apoptosis in senescent cells and remove them from the body, thus helping in healthy aging. Fisetin is one of the most potent senolytics among natural compounds. Studies have shown that fisetin reduces the number of senescent cells in various tissues and organs like the skin, kidney, brain, and heart. So, eat apples daily to keep the doctor away!

Anti cancerous

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells caused by improper lifestyle, aging, and sometimes because of genes and environment. By inducing apoptosis, fisetin controls the growth of cancer cells in the body. It acts on cancerous cells by targeting specific signaling pathways, preventing the growth and spread of tumor cells.

Good for heart

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Heart disease is one of the major causes of death worldwide. In the US, one person in every 34 seconds dies because of heart disease. The anti-inflammatory property of fisetin reduces inflammation in the heart and blood vessels. It improves the vascular tone of arteries which control their contraction and dilation, thus determining and dictating the heart and arteries’ functioning. It also reduces clot formation in the heart and arteries and damage due to free radicals.

Studies show that it can also enhance heart health by activating genes involved in cardiac regeneration, which is believed to protect against damage due to a lack of blood supply in heart muscles following a heart attack. Studies have shown its vasodilatory effect thus also helps in lowering blood pressure.

A powerful antioxidant

Fisetin is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage due to unstable molecules or free radicals produced during body metabolism. It is more potent than popularly known antioxidants like resveratrol, quercetin, and curcumin. It helps in the production of vitamins C and E, which further enhances its antioxidant properties. It has been shown to increase the efficacy of antioxidant enzymes super oxidase dismutase (SOD) and catalase. These enzymes scavenge free radicals, thus protecting the body from oxidative stress.

Supports brain health

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Fisetin improves cognitive functions and memory power by reducing neuron inflammations and protecting against brain oxidative stress. It also scavenges senescent cells in the brain, thus reducing inflammation. It stimulates nerve tissue’s growth and development and increases synaptic transmission’s strength or efficiency at existing synapses. It has been shown to have potential benefits against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

In diabetes management

Fisetin is a flavonoid that belongs to the flavanols subclass, an essential group of compounds used as supplements for managing diabetes. A study has shown that it decreases diabetic neuropathy or kidney failure due to diabetes. In another study on diabetic rats, it was concluded that fisetin enhanced insulin and enzyme levels to control blood sugar.

Helps to fight obesity

The body’s metabolism naturally slows down with age, reducing food conversion into energy. Thus, a significant part of food calories gets deposited in the body as fat, leading to obesity and weight gain. Nowadays, a poor lifestyle has also caused metabolic defects in younger generations and even childhood obesity. Fisetin has the unique property of inhibiting the activation of the protein mTOR that causes weight gain. It also boosts body fat metabolism by mobilizing fat cells to release energy required for various functions. So simply by grabbing strawberries, apples, and cucumbers, you can lose weight and be more energetic.

Fisetin side effects

Because of limited research work on fisetin, there is no evidence to support its side effects on the human body; still, larger doses of it should be avoided or taken under medical supervision. Pregnant women and small children should avoid its supplements. It may enhance the blood thinning effect of drugs, so people on medication for lowering BP should consult before taking its supplements. Its natural sources are entirely safe and can be taken without worry.

Last words

It’s amazing how technological advancements and scientific research have led to the discovery of food supplements like fisetin. With its benefits, one can live an energetic and youthful life even in old age. Fisetin promises a healthy extended lifespan, making it possible to defy the aging process.


Is fisetin helpful in nerve pain?

It has been found in studies that fisetin is effective in treating chronic nerve pain in mice, which opens the possibility of its use for treating diabetic neuropathic pain in humans.

Is fisetin effective in Alzheimer’s disease?

Fisetin with bioactive flavinoids poses potential neuroprotective properties. It is very effective in various kinds of neurodegenerative diseases as Alzheimer’s disease, which widely affects the elderly population all over the world. It suppresses oxidative stress, and nerve cell death and enhances learning and memory.

Hope you find this post useful!

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featured Image by KamranAydinov on Freepik

DISCLAIMER – The tips provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice.

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