Collagen water: Everything about this latest trend- its 5 benefits, and more

Looking to switch things up from your usual hydration routine? You might want to consider trying out collagen water! This trendy new beverage has been gaining popularity among health enthusiasts and for good reason. Not only does it cut out the hassle of mixing collagen with water, but it also offers a host of potential health benefits. But before you take the plunge and invest in this trendy drink, let me share with you some important information to keep in mind.

Why do we need collagen?

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Much-hyped collagen supplements sound convincing as collagen contributes 30% of the total protein mass in our body, furnishing strength and support throughout the body and improving skin health by reducing wrinkles and dryness. Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body and is produced naturally in the cells of fibroblasts. It contributes to 3/4 of the skin’s dry weight. It helps the middle skin layer to form new cells by replacing the dead skin cells on the upper layer, thus maintaining the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

Collagen also covers the ends of the bones at the joints providing smooth movements during various activities. With age, collagen production in the body goes down, leading to wrinkles and joint-related problems. Ideally, one should start taking collagen supplements from age 30 as a preventive measure to avoid these age-related issues. It is available in the market as collagen water, capsules, liquids, and gummies.

What is collagen water?

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As the name suggests, it is simply water added to collagen. Collagen water contains small peptides that are of animal origin. Collagen peptide is prepared by fragmenting the whole collagen protein from animal sources into smaller pieces called hydrolyzed collagen used in collagen water. This hydrolyzed collagen mainly contains amino acids proline and glycine, which build up in skin and cartilage after digestion to provide extra support. We need water to keep our skin hydrated and elastic. Water also helps to keep our joints lubricated and flexible as the synovial fluid in our joints is essentially comprised of water.

So collagen water can be contemplated as the fountain of youth for various aging signals such as the appearance of wrinkles, painful joints, and weakening bones and muscles. It enhances protein intake most effortlessly without altering a regular diet plan. It is available in supermarkets and is sometimes fortified with fruit juice vitamins or plant extract to enhance its flavor. It can easily be prepared at home by simply mixing collagen powder in water.

Benefits of collagen water

The name collagen comes from the Greek language, which literally means ‘glue producing.’ Present in nearly every tissue, it acts like cement and holds everything together. Its benefits get enhanced when mixed with water which supports its holding property with hydration, thus diminishing the signs of aging. Some of the benefits of collagen water are;

prevents obesity

Obesity is a concern as it is linked with many health problems. Drinking collagen water increases satiety as proteins in collagen give the feeling of fullness for a longer time, thus reducing hunger pangs and decreasing calorie intake. It reduces fat cell accumulation in the body. A study shows that collagen peptides reduced fat cell size and weight gain in rats. So this study intends to supplement collagen to decrease menopause-induced obesity in women.

for ageless beauty

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Beauty is an inside job. What we imbibe reflects on our skin. With an exhausting schedule, bad lifestyles, and junk food eating habits, our body and skin start showing the signs of aging well before the years it should be. Collagen water helps in improving the elasticity of the skin and hydrates it at the same time. It repairs and replenishes the damaged skin and reverses the signs of aging by improving skin texture and quality. It helps to regain hair loss and thinning due to aging or the use of harmful chemicals. It also enhances nail luster with increased strength.

helpful in arthritis

With collagen covering the ends of the bone, its decrease in production in our body leads to joint pain, stiffness, and swollen joints leading to difficulty in day-to-day activities. Collagen water helps regenerate connective tissue lining the joints, thus reducing the inflammation in joints and enhancing their mobility. A study confirmed the effectiveness of collagen peptide intake on activity-related knee joint discomfort among athletes.

improves bone health

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Collagen constitutes a significant part of our bones. So its decline in our body leads to the weakening of bones and diseases like osteoporosis. Collagen level is essential for bone mineral density. Drinking collagen water helps to maintain bone mineral density keeping bones strong and healthy even in old age.

for a healthy gut

Collagen water has several positive effects on our gut. Its regular use enhances digestion by restoring the intestinal lining, thus preventing leaky gut and irritable bowel syndrome. Leaky gut is a condition in which the intestinal lining gets weakened, which allows bacteria and toxins into the bloodstream.

Side effects of collagen water

Collagen water is generally safe with rare side effects. However, some people can experience itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing, as collagen can trigger allergic reactions. While in some cases, collagen may cause bloating and digestive upset So. It is best to consult a doctor before using collagen water.

Sometimes collagen water can be contaminated with heavy metals and harmful additives, so purchasing collagen water from a reliable source or brand is prudent.

Last reflections

We all aspire to have the same flawless appearance as the models and actors we see in movies. However, we don’t always have the time or resources for invasive procedures or rigorous beauty routines. Collagen water is a natural way to achieve this goal, as it not only enhances our external appearance but also promotes youthfulness from within. It’s a wonderful addition to our busy lifestyles and a true blessing for those seeking a natural and effective beauty solution.

Hope you find this post useful!

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DISCLAIMER – The tips provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice.

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