akki roti – Recipe and health benefits

Akki roti is an exquisite and wholesome unleavened bread that has its origins in the state of Karnataka, India. This customary dish is relished for its extraordinary taste and is usually served with an assortment of curries and chutneys. In the present times, it has become increasingly popular among food aficionados across the globe due to its scrumptious flavor and nourishing advantages.


In order to prepare a delectable set of 5 flatbreads, you will require the following components:

  • One and a half cups of rice flour
  • One cup water
  • One teaspoon salt
  • Half a teaspoon of Carom seeds
  • Half a teaspoon of black cumin or kalonji
  • Two teaspoons of clarified butter or ghee

How to make

In the mixing bowl, take the rice flour and sprinkle salt, carrom seeds, and black cumin seeds into it. After that, add butter or ghee to the mixture and mix them thoroughly until you achieve a smooth consistency. Next, add one cup of water that has been heated to a boiling temperature. As you add the boiling water, be sure to continuously stir the mixture in order to ensure that the water is evenly distributed and absorbed throughout. This will ensure that all ingredients are properly combined, and the mixture is thoroughly hydrated.

Before proceeding with further steps, allow the mixture to cool for 15 minutes. This will ensure a safe temperature and prevent your fingers from getting burnt while kneading.

Gently work the ingredients together with your hands until they form a malleable and smooth dough that is easy to roll.

To start, divide the dough into portions of equal size. You’ll need to shape them into balls which will be approximately five.

Place one of these balls on a board and sprinkle a bit of rice flour onto it.

Next, take a rolling pin and use it to gently flatten the ball into a round roti. It’s important to proceed with care during this step, as the dough can easily break apart while being rolled. This can be a challenging task for those who aren’t well-versed in rolling flatbreads, and you may find that your initial attempts result in some broken rice flatbreads. However, with practice and patience, you’ll soon be able to master the art of creating the perfectly round roti. Don’t let a few early failures discourage you – keep at it, and you’ll soon see great results!

Heat up your griddle on a high flame until it’s hot. Once it’s heated, reduce the flame to medium and carefully transfer your rolled roti onto the griddle. Cook one side of the roti until it turns a lovely golden brown, and leave the other side half-cooked.

With the aid of a tong, carefully transfer the partially cooked side of the roti directly onto the open flame. As you observe, the roti will gradually puff up and take on an oval shape. Ensure that this side is cooked thoroughly before gingerly removing it from the flame. Place it onto a plate and generously spread a quarter teaspoon of Ghee over its surface. Enjoy your deliciously prepared roti!

Health benefits

Akki roti is a delicious dish that not only satisfies your taste buds but also provides numerous health benefits. Incorporating this dish into your daily diet will ensure that you receive a range of nutrients that are essential for your overall well-being.


For individuals who are sensitive to gluten, adhering to a gluten-free diet is of utmost importance. This entails consuming grains that do not contain gluten, such as rice. Akki roti, a traditional Indian flatbread made from rice, is an excellent option for those with gluten allergies.

Helps in weight loss

When you start your day with a serving of Akki roti, you’ll find yourself feeling full and satisfied for an extended period of time. This satiation effect can help prevent you from succumbing to the temptation of unhealthy snacking, ultimately aiding in your weight loss or weight management goals.

sustained vitality throughout the day

There is a slow, sustained release of energy through complex carbohydrates like rice, which keeps you full of vitality throughout the day, making you focused and alert day long.

Consuming akki roti can provide a steady and long-lasting release of energy. This is due to the presence of complex carbohydrates, which help to keep you focused, alert, and full of vitality throughout the day. So, if you’re looking for a nutritious and energy-boosting meal, akki roti might just be the perfect choice for you!

Helps in digestion

Akki roti is not only a tasty dish, but it also has some active ingredients that are beneficial for our bodies. The presence of thymol in Carom seeds and Thymoquinone in black cumin seeds helps to improve digestion and metabolism. Additionally, these ingredients add a spicy flavor to the dish, making it more delicious.

Some Final bites

Incorporate the delectable and wholesome akki roti into your daily regimen for an unparalleled gustatory experience and an array of remarkable health benefits. Savor each mouthful for its remarkable gluten-free nature, which aids in weight management, and its digestive and energy-boosting properties.

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