9 home remedies for piles

So, let’s talk about the elephant in the room…piles. Yeah, we know it’s not the most glamorous topic, but let’s face it, it’s a real pain in the butt. It’s like having a constant reminder that your rear end is not happy with you. Sitting and walking can be a real challenge, with itching and burning sensations. It’s like your bottom is having a temper tantrum and demanding all your attention. And let’s be real; it always seems to act up at the most inconvenient times, like when you’re stuck in traffic or at a fancy dinner party. You end up fidgeting in your seat and trying to adjust your position discreetly, but it never seems to help. So, if you find yourself in this awkward situation, know you’re not alone.

Moreover, because of the social taboo associated with this condition, for their occurrence in intimate part, sufferers find it difficult to share it with anyone. Around 40% of women during and after pregnancy suffer from Hemorrhoids. The embarrassment of sharing it with family, friends, or healthcare professionals often results in living with this situation in silence. So, no more camouflaging in distress, as in this blog, I’ve got some home remedies for piles that will help you to regain your comfort and confidence in no time, saying “bye-bye” to those swollen bumps and “hello” to smooth sailing! So, let’s get to it.

Cold milk and lemon juice

If you’re looking for a natural way to relieve piles, look no further than this highly effective home remedy. In just 3-5 days, you can experience relief by simply mixing the juice from a normal-sized lemon with a glass of cold milk and drinking it every morning. This trusted remedy has been used for generations and has proven to be a safe and reliable solution for those suffering from this condition. Don’t suffer any longer, try this remedy today and experience the relief you deserve.

Castor oil and milk

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This remarkable combination works wonders when it comes to finding relief from the discomfort of piles. Piles, primarily caused by incomplete defecation or constipation, can be alleviated through the extraordinary properties of castor oil. With its antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial, properties, castor oil becomes a formidable ally in reducing inflammation, pain, and swelling. Moreover, its laxative and analgesic properties provide added relief. By consuming 2 mL of edible castor oil and a cup of warm milk an hour before bedtime, one can effectively address constipation issues and significantly alleviate the symptoms of piles. Furthermore, applying castor oil directly onto the swollen hemorrhoids, using a cotton ball or earbuds, aids in diminishing both the pain and inflammation. With consistent use, notable improvements can be observed within a span of two weeks.

Fennel seeds and asafoetida

Fennel seeds help to improve digestion and liver functioning and so significantly reduce the problem of piles. For centuries this herb has been used for various digestion-related issues like bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Slightly roasted fennel seeds are finely powdered and can be kept in an airtight container. A teaspoon of this powder with a pinch of asafoetida should be taken with warm water empty stomach in the morning. Asafoetida works wonderfully in piles by decreasing pain and bleeding. It also helps in reducing irritation and the size of hemorrhoids.

Including radishes in the diet

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Radish is an exceptional root vegetable known for its crunchy texture and spicy, peppery taste. It comes in a variety of colors and is often enjoyed raw in salads. This superfood is an excellent aid for digestion and has remarkable anti-fungal and anti-cancer properties. Radish is packed with dietary fibers, which are essential for the treatment of constipation, a leading cause of piles. In fact, including reasonable amounts of radish in your breakfast can alleviate this problem in 4 to 7 days and relieve pain and itching in the anal region. For those who aren’t fond of its taste, consuming half a cup (100ml) of its juice with a pinch of salt in the morning can be highly beneficial.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a versatile and effective remedy for hemorrhoids, with a range of powerful properties that can soothe, heal, and prevent discomfort in the anal area. With its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic benefits, coconut oil can quickly and effectively reduce swelling, pain, and itching associated with hemorrhoids. Apply the oil directly to the affected area with a cotton ball for fast, targeted relief. And if you’re struggling with constipation or painful bowel movements, taking coconut oil orally can act as a gentle and natural laxative, helping to ease your symptoms and prevent straining. With its proven track record of success and safety, coconut oil is a go-to solution for anyone seeking fast, effective relief from hemorrhoids and related discomfort.

Aloe Vera

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Aloe vera gel can be applied directly over the Hemorrhoids. Pure aloe vera gel has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, reduces the irritation and inflammation in the area, and helps to shrink the hemorrhoids. Only pure aloe vera gel should be used for this purpose. Aloe Vera juice with its laxative properties helps to soften the stool and thus reduces the pain and swelling in hemorrhoids which otherwise would increase while straining in the toilet due to constipation. One cup of Aloe Vera Juice can be taken on an empty stomach in the morning to relieve pain and irritation.

Sitz bath

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To alleviate discomfort and itching in the genital area or to soothe hemorrhoids, try taking a warm soak. Simply fill a shallow tub with warm water and soak your bottom for around 15 minutes. This can help reduce inflammation and shrink the size of hemorrhoids while providing fast relief from any pain or itching. Give it a try and see how it works for you!

stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is absolutely essential for maintaining a healthy body and ensuring that all our systems function properly. Did you know that our body is made up of approximately 60% water? It’s incredible! By keeping ourselves well-hydrated, we can enjoy numerous benefits. Not only does good hydration support physical performance and boost metabolism, but it also plays a crucial role in preventing infections.

To ensure adequate hydration, it’s recommended to drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water every day. By doing so, you can confidently know that you are taking care of your body’s hydration needs. Furthermore, staying well-hydrated can help prevent constipation, a major cause of piles. It alleviates the discomfort associated with hemorrhoids that arise because of dryness. So, by simply increasing your water intake, you can reduce pain, itching, and inflammation in hemorrhoids.

Buttermilk and yogurt

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Probiotics are fantastic allies when it comes to resetting our gut flora and promoting optimal digestion and metabolism. By introducing these beneficial bacteria into our system, we can work wonders for our overall well-being. A healthy digestive tract plays a pivotal role in ensuring regular bowel movements and alleviating the discomfort of constipation. Do you know what’s even better? Buttermilk and yogurt, both loaded with probiotics, can be our secret weapons in achieving this digestive bliss.

In fact, a fascinating study even demonstrated that fermented milk had shown promising results in reducing hemorrhoids, especially in women after pregnancy. Isn’t that amazing? So, if you’re dealing with piles, here’s a simple and delicious solution for you: treat yourself to a refreshing cup of buttermilk flavored with carom seeds and a pinch of salt. This soothing concoction can be enjoyed daily, providing you with much-needed relief and comfort.

Probiotics lend a helping hand in improving our digestive health and making life more enjoyable. So, embrace the power of these friendly bacteria and savor the benefits they bring. Your gut will thank you, and you’ll be one step closer to a happier, healthier you!

Last remarks

These home remedies for piles have been tested and proven effective, so you can trust that they’ll work for you too. But if you’re still experiencing symptoms even after trying these remedies, it’s important to talk to a doctor. Ignoring or downplaying this condition can lead to some serious problems, so it’s best to get it checked out. Hang in there and take care of yourself!

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DISCLAIMER – The tips provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice.

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