7 benefits of moringa for men

Moringa oleifera, known as horseradish or drumstick, grows mainly in South Asia. Packed with almost all the nutrients, we need and with easy bioavailability, this plant can be considered a miracle superfood. Its leaves and fruit (drumstick) are widely used as a supplement and food in South Asian kitchens. Dried leaves in powdered and capsule form moringa have become popular worldwide because of their innumerable medicinal properties. Its oil is also available in the market and is used in various beauty products. Moringa has many proven benefits for our heart, kidneys, liver, and lungs. So by adding this superfood to the diet, one can avoid many multivitamins capsules and artificial food supplements daily to patch up various deficiencies.

n our busy lives today, where men have to manage work and personal stuff and try really hard, moringa is like a gift. It helps them when they’re pushing themselves hard, both in body and mind. Moringa does lots of good things for men, like making them stronger and helping their skin stay nice. So, let’s talk about seven benefits of moringa for men in this blog. Keep reading to find out!

For extra stamina

Male sprinter ready for running
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Rich in iron and vitamin B12, moringa helps to prevent anemia and keeps blood cells and nerve tissues healthy. Adequate iron supply is necessary for typical physical and mental activities, as iron is crucial in hemoglobin formation, the oxygen carrier in the blood. Many studies show a marked increase in hemoglobin content in blood with moringa supplementation. As we age, especially after the 40s, our body becomes very susceptible to inflammation and fatigue, even with slight variations in daily routine. Moringa, an iron reservoir, facilitates hemoglobin formation during physical activity and helps decrease triglycerides, urea, and lactic acid.

Moringa is rich in Magnesium which is responsible for ATP production in our body. ATP adenosine triphosphate is our body’s primary energy supplier. So drinking a cup of moringa tea during the evening is just the right thing to deal with ‘evening burn out.’ Moringa tea can be prepared by adding a handful of fresh moringa leaves to water and boiling it for three to five minutes. Moringa powder can also be used in place of fresh moringa leaves.

Help in hair damage and alopecia.

bald man
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A stressful lifestyle with frequent hair treatment with harmful chemicals has resulted in hair loss, damage, baldness, or alopecia. Moringa, rich in iron and vitamin B, which are crucial for hair health, helps rejuvenate damaged hair and hair follicles. It gives hair an extra shine and strength naturally. Amino acid methionine in moringa supplies sulfur to hair follicles, thus preventing hair loss. Hair therapy with moringa can be done in the following ways:

By consuming moringa juice

Moringa juice can be prepared by taking a handful of fresh moringa leaves in a mixture grinder and blending it with water to a smooth consistency. It should then be sieved with a strainer, and honey can be added. Half a teaspoon of Moringa powder can be used if fresh leaves are unavailable. As moringa is a very potent herb, it is advised not to take it empty stomach.

By applying the moringa pack

The moringa pack made by mixing moringa powder or fresh moringa leaf paste with fenugreek powder and rice water should be applied over the scalp and kept for 15 to 30 minutes. It should then be rinsed and washed with water with continuous rubbing without using shampoo. The fenugreek powder used here acts like natural soap and cleanses hair with the same effect.

Using moringa seed oil

Moringa seed oil is very effective in treating hair damage and alopecia. Moringa seed oil contains phytosterol compounds (beta-sitosterol, ergosterol, and campesterol). A study shows the activity of moringa seed oil obstructs the formation of dihydrotestosterone DHT compound, which is known to cause baldness or alopecia.


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Too much sebum secretion leading to oily skin is the most common skin problem men have to deal with. Overstress and overexposure to the sun can be the leading cause of this problem. The situation gets aggravated by wearing masks which have become essential after the pandemic. With a lack of ventilation, bacterial growth intensifies between beards in the presence of oil. Moringa being antibacterial, is excellent for acne treatment. Due to its antioxidant property, it works well on blemishes and dark spots. Its high vitamin C content is very effective on sun tan and thus helps in skin brightening.

Mix moringa paste from fresh leaves or moringa powder with rose water and apply it all over the face. Leave it till dry. Then wash with water. For best results, take moringa supplements in your diet. Applying moringa oil on the face daily before going out helps protect the skin from pollution. It also acts as a protective barrier for the skin against ultraviolet rays.

Good for heart

hand holding heart
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Men are naturally at greater risk of heart disease than females, having the heart-protective hormone estrogen. Moreover, family and financial burdens drag men at a higher risk of heart diseases. Moringa can be considered a heart tonic as it is rich in Polyphenols, required for blood vessel relaxation; Folate, which decreases the risk of heart attack; Quercetin, which reduces coronary heart disease; Omega 3 with anti-inflammatory properties that protect against blood vessel damage and lowers triglycerides and Magnesium, which is a critical element for electrolyte transportation inside the heart.

In a study on the effects of adding moringa in roasted garlic on mean arterial pressure among sedentary men, it has been found that there is a significant decrease in mean arterial pressure. So it can be said that it is one of the essential benefits of moringa for men.

Suitable for men’s sexual health

happy couple
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Moringa contains vitamin C, about seven times more than that in orange. Vitamin C is essential for sperm quality. In a study, men who took vitamin C supplements twice daily for two months had improved sperm quality. Hence moringa naturally deals with male infertility problems. It also elevates erectile dysfunction and helps proper blood flow in the genital area. Vitamin A in moringa helps in sperm production. Moringa is a natural aphrodisiac that increases testosterone levels in men.

For prostate health

The prostate gland is located below the urinary bladder, where urine gets stored, and it surrounds the urethra; the tube drains urine. Men face a prevalent prostate gland enlargement with age, which causes discomfort while passing urine. Moringa is rich in glycosylate and is found to inhibit prostate gland enlargement. Studies have shown that moringa leaf extracts are very effective against cancerous growth in the prostate gland.

Body improving muscles in athletes

athlete weightlifting
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Calcium, Magnesium, potassium B12, iron, and protein are the primary nutrients required for muscle growth. It is an amazing coincidence that moringa leaves are rich in all these nutrients. Moringa contains 15 times more potassium than bananas. Moringa is richer in calcium content than milk. One cup of milk can provide 300 to 400 milligrams of calcium, whereas 100 grams of moringa powder contains approximately 1400 milligrams of calcium. Calcium plays a vital role during strong muscle contractions. Moringa leaves are also rich in easily digestible proteins. Moringa protein contains all nine essential amino acids that our body requires. About one (5gm) tablespoon of moringa powder contains approximately half a gram of protein.

The antioxidant property of moringa leaves prevents muscles from oxidative stress by keeping the free radicals produced during a heavy workout at moderate levels. Its anti-inflammatory property helps to rejuvenate and repair damaged muscles. So moringa supplements can be considered an ideal drink for muscle development in bodybuilders and athletes as it helps them for their best performances.


Can moringa increase the estrogen level in men?

Consuming moringa in moderate quantities has many beneficial effects on men; however, having them in large quantities can increase estrogen production in men leading to estrogen-testosterone imbalance, which can result in fat deposition around the abdomen and the development of breasts in men.

I hope this information was helpful!

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DISCLAIMER – The tips provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice.

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