5 tips to get immediate relief from sciatica pain at home

From mild tingling pain with a burning sensation to severe jolting pain, sometimes with a feeling of electric shock, sciatica pain is common in people after their 40s. Sciatica is very familiar, as 40% of people in the USA get it during their lifetime. Sciatica pain originates in the sciatic nerve in the lower back and goes to the buttocks, along one leg in the nerve pathway to the thigh, calf muscles, and sometimes to the toes. With sciatica pain, it becomes difficult to carry out everyday daily activities. From old age, obesity, muscle weakening, sedentary lifestyle to bad posture, the causes of sciatica varies from person and situation.

While mild sciatica pain heals on its own and goes away with rest and time, severe sciatica pain needs treatment. As many medical treatments like muscle relaxants, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and physiotherapy are available for a long-term cure, one can get immediate relief from sciatica pain through home remedies. So here are some tips to get immediate relief from sciatica pain!


back massage
Image by javi_indy on Freepik

Deep tissue massage by applying finger pressures on tensed muscles and nerves with warm oil gives immediate relief in sciatica pain. Massage improves blood circulation in the affected area, relaxes the muscles, and helps release endorphins in the brain, which helps relieve pain as they are natural painkillers. Essential oils like peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, or rosemary oil can be mixed with warm coconut oil or sesame oil and massaged on the affected area.

An alternative ice massage can also be done to get instant relief. Ice massage requires applying ice directly on the sciatic nerve root area in a circular motion. Ice massage helps decrease nerve conduction, reduces muscle spasms, decreases inflammation, and helps in reducing swelling by decreasing fluid retention. Ice massage gives immediate relief in acute sciatica pain.

Traction therapy

Traction is a non-surgical treatment that involves manual or mechanical equipment to stretch the spine. Traction therapy is very effective in releasing pressure on sciatic nerves, which is the root cause of sciatica. Traction treatment gives immediate relief from sciatica pain. Traction therapy can be done at home under proper guidance.

Stretching exercises or asanas

stretching excercise
Image by frimufilms on Freepik

Back stretching exercises considerably helps in sciatica by relieving the pressure on nerves and strengthening the back muscles. Traditional and ancient practices of asanas and surya namaskar in India help prevent sciatica and decrease its intensity. Stretching exercises help in correcting body posture and thus relieve local pressure developed out of imbalance. People with severe sciatica should do stretching exercises slowly and mildly. Forward bending should be avoided during pain.

Pacifying vata imbalance

According to Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medical system, imbalances or dosha in vata (air and space elements) of a person cause many diseases, including sciatica. Symptoms of vata the dosa include dry skin, bloating, improper digestion, constipation, pain, tightness, and muscle spasm. Pacifying vata imbalance considerably reduces sciatica pain. A powdered mixture of fenugreek seeds dried amla (Indian gooseberry), and carom seeds in a ratio of 2:2:1 greatly benefit sciatica pain. Half a teaspoon of this mixture twice daily helps relieve the pain within two days.

Garlic turmeric milk

Garlic and turmeric are anti-inflammatory and greatly help with back pain and sciatica. Taking garlic turmeric milk at bedtime dramatically reduces the pain and helps you get sound sleep. To make this milk, two to three garlic cloves and half a teaspoon of turmeric powder should be added to one cup of boiling milk, and the mixture is cooked for the next one to two minutes. This magic drink provides relief from sciatica pain overnight!

Following any of the above tips can relieve sciatica pain, and following two or three tips in combination will surely provide instant relief.


What food should I avoid with sciatica?

One of the leading causes of sciatica is an imbalance in air and space elements or vata doshas. So the foods that aggravate this imbalance should be avoided. Light and dry food be minimized, and oily and sweet dishes which are hydrating should be taken.

I hope this information was helpful!

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DISCLAIMER – The tips provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice.

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