5 natural ways to deal with high blood pressure

According to WHO, approximately 46% of adult hypertensive people are ignorant of this condition, as no or little symptoms are associated with it. Moreover, people tend to ignore this problem as there are no immediate effects seen in day-to-day life due to high blood pressure. The number of people living with high blood pressure has nearly doubled in the last 25 years. Again psychological factors such as ‘unfriendliness’ and’ job pressure’ are associated with high blood pressure conditions. This is also called a ”silent killer” as continuous high blood pressure damages almost every organ of our body, particularly the heart, brain, kidney, and eyes. Specific lifestyle changes, along with self-care, can manage early hypertension. So here are five effective ways to control high BP conditions naturally at home.

Maintaining a low-sodium diet

salt in a bowl which increases blood pressure
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Salty food gives extra sodium to the blood, which in turn absorbs excess water, thus exerting more pressure on blood vessels and increasing blood pressure. So people who already have blood pressure on the higher side should avoid food high in sodium. To balance the bland taste without salt, one can add natural herbs like dried fenugreek leaves, rosemary, thyme, cilantro, ginger, onion, and garlic powder to their food. Apart from enhancing the taste and giving a good flavor, these herbs benefit in many ways. Adding lime juice and black pepper also balances the taste of the food prepared without or with low salt. Daily total salt intake should be less than two grams for people with normal BP and 1.5 grams for people with high BP.

Practicing Anulom vilom or alternate nostril breathing

girl practicing yoga which helps to reduce blood pressure
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Anulom vilom, alternate nostril breathing, is among the several pranayams or controlled breathing exercises. This is done by holding one nostril closed( the right one), to start with, while inhaling with another nostril, holding the inhaled air for some time( 3 to 4 sec), and then holding the other nostril closed while exhaling. This process is reversed and repeated. It should be done for 10 to 15 minutes daily. Increased oxygen intake purifies the blood, clears blockages, and thus cures high blood pressure. It also reduces anxiety and stress. It should be done to get the best results after waking up in the morning, preferably empty stomach. But one can do it anytime and anywhere and notice pretty good results.

Consuming garlic

garlic in a small bowl
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It has been found that garlic helps reduce blood pressure by up to 11mm of Hg. So it can be used as an alternative to BP medicines in early hypertensive conditions. The active compound in garlic is allicin which prevents the hormone angiotensin production. This hormone is responsible for increasing blood pressure by constricting blood vessels. So it flows freely in blood vessels, thus, normalizing blood pressure.

Eating pistachios between meals

pistachios in a small tray
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Pistachios contain high amounts of Phytosterols, which helps in lowering LDL level. It also contains arginine, a non-essential amino acid that helps keep arteries flexible. This amino acid also relaxes blood vessels, which leads to the lowering of blood pressure. In studies, it has been found that pistachios reduce the upper as well as the lower BP . One can take 1 ounce or 28 grams of unsalted pistachio daily. Pistachios are also rich in antioxidants and fibers. They are good for the eyes and help in weight and blood sugar management.

Practicing regular massage and exercise

illustration of people exercising
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Poor blood circulation leads to clogged arteries, increasing cholesterol and BP. This further deteriorates blood circulation. People with normal BP should exercise and do physical activity to maintain good blood circulation, which has many sound effects, one of which is having normal BP. People with high blood pressure have some restrictions for strenuous physical activity and exercise should go for regular massage therapy. Massage facilitates circulation, as pressure produced by the massage technique makes blood move through clogged areas, meanwhile clearing them. Traditional massage also lowers stress and stress hormones, which results in lowering blood pressure.

Final words

It’s important to remember that we have the power to make positive changes in our lives, especially when it comes to our health. By making simple adjustments to our daily routines, such as managing stress, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and following a natural lifestyle, which helps us reconnect with nature, we can take control of our blood pressure and prevent the development of hypertension. Age may bring challenges, but with a little effort, we can improve our overall well-being and live our best lives.

Hope that this post was useful!

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DISCLAIMER – The tips provided are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional advice.

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