Towards a more natural lifestyle

From lifestyle tips and home remedies to exploring the health benefits of the gifts of nature and tasty, wholesome recipes, we can guide you towards a harmonious connection with Mother Earth.
Let’s embrace the beauty of simplicity, awaken our senses to the rhythms of nature, and discover the extraordinary joys that come with living in harmony with our planet.
Join us as we explore the wonders of nature and unravel the secrets of living a natural lifestyle.
Are you ready to embark on this transformative adventure?


Unleash the transformative power of simple daily activities, revolutionizing your health and happiness!

Health Benefits

Discover the enthralling health benefits of the fabulous gifts of nature!

Home Remedies

Say goodbye to annoying health issues without leaving your home, using what you already have!

Healthy recipes

Discover the mouthwatering and nourishing wonders of easy-to-follow Indian recipes!


How to stop yawning while singing

Imagine this: you’re up on stage, singing your heart out to your favorite song. You’re hitting all the high notes like a pro, and the crowd is into it. And…

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Is liquid collagen better than powder?

Collagen, the superstar protein in our body, is like a superhero cape that fights off wrinkles and creaky joints. It keeps our skin, joints, hair, and nails fabulously intact, and…

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What is cactus leather? From Spikes to Style!

Are you looking for a sustainable and stylish alternative to traditional leather? Look no further than cactus leather! So, what is cactus leather? Imagine a world where animals are free…

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7 practical Eco-friendly shopping tips

It’s important to realize that shopping can have a more significant impact beyond just our personal needs. By making eco-friendly choices, we can help contribute to a more sustainable future…

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Health Benefits

23 Effective Herbs for Transformation

In the bustling whirlwind of constant stress, our body’s harmony with our vital energy is easily disrupted. This disarray paves the way for innumerable health challenges, including mental unrest, declining…

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Home Remedies

8 excellent Herbal Teas for Blood Circulation

Herbal tea, the unsung hero in the empire of warm and cozy beverages, ‘steeps’ in with its delightful flavors and healing powers just when our circulation starts declining, leaving us…

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7 home remedies for sore gums from dentures

If you’re someone who doesn’t have natural teeth, dentures can be a fantastic solution that can change your life. They’re able to restore your oral functionality and give you the…

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Top 9 herbs for liver cleansing

Did you know that the liver is actually the biggest glandular organ in our bodies? And get this, and it can handle more than 200 different tasks all at the…

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9 home remedies for piles

So, let’s talk about the elephant in the room…piles. Yeah, we know it’s not the most glamorous topic, but let’s face it, it’s a real pain in the butt. It’s…

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7 Fail Proof Ways to Get Rid of Oily Dandruff

With changing lifestyles, oily dandruff has become common among teenagers and adults. Besides giving a greasy itchy sensation, oily dandruff can also cause severe hair damage. Oily dandruff is also…

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Healthy Recipes

akki roti – Recipe and health benefits

Akki roti is an exquisite and wholesome unleavened bread that has its origins in the state of Karnataka, India. This customary dish is relished for its extraordinary taste and is…

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About Me

I am delighted to introduce myself as Preeti Jha, hailing from the vibrant nation of India. I proudly hold a post-graduate degree in chemistry. Growing up in a family of esteemed physicians, I have come to recognize that the essence of a wholesome existence transcends the mere absence of ailments or reliance on medications. Our habits and dietary choices often hold the key to our overall well-being. This profound realization dawned upon me after enduring numerous bouts of illness.

During the frosty winters of 2012, I underwent a corrective operation for Pyronychaia, a condition affecting the big toe. Despite enduring months of rigorous post-operative care, the ailment resurfaced, necessitating another surgical intervention. Haunted by the mental and physical distress caused by the previous surgery, I resolved to take control of my health destiny. Embarking on a journey of personal empowerment, I delved into the realm of natural remedies and, to my astonishment, found my troubles miraculously resolved within a month!

Over the past decade, I have encountered various health challenges, each accompanied by unique remedies that naturally stemmed from home cures or nutritional adjustments.

“Nature Itself Is The Best Physician”

— Hippocrates
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7 Home Remedies for Sore Gums from Dentures How To Get Rid of Oily Dandruff How to Lose Belly Fat Overnight! 5 health benefits of Masago Five benefits of Moringa for men Five benefits of turmeric for men 5 natural ways to deal with high blood pressure Six ways to get Natural Sleep 5 facts about the MERS COV 2022 Five ways to remain youthful in your 60s 6 ways to lose weight without exercise Six ways to deal with childhood obesity